Focal Points Navigation > Use of electronic and other navigation aids
Multi Purpose General Cargo vessel < 3000 gt [1]
As a result of this collision, the Disciplinary Court notes that special attention for shipping vessels approaching from behind is important when sailing at relatively low speed in a busy navigation area. It is thereby recommended that the radar be set to “radar centre” (and not to “radar off centre”), in order to maintain good visibility behind the vessel.
Multi Purpose General Cargo vessel > 3000 gt [2]
The Disciplinary Court advises bridge teams to use both radar systems if the vessel is equipped with an X-band and S-band. Due to the different properties of both systems, objects can come through better on the one system than on the other. This includes Racon signals and objects in a shower. Furthermore, a comparison of the two radar systems can provide a better interpretation of the data obtained from the systems.
Tanker [1]
Dredger [1]